Our company, Z STUDIO, offers calendar printing of truly top quality. We not only have our own DTP department, but also high-quality presses and unique printing technology. Every year, we enter calendars we’ve done into competitions and regularly take home awards. And this year we have won again. In Calendar of the Year 2019, both calendars we entered won awards. Our presses’ quality took first place in the Digital Printing category. Ondřej Záruba’s calendar RALLYE DAKAR 2019, printed on a RICOH PRO C9100 press from RICOH Czech Republic was a winner. The technical production — specifically our offset Hi-Fi printing® — was what won Z STUDIO’s company calendar by the same creator third place in the Print Quality category. The company calendar VIETNAM has won the competition “Slovakia’s Most Beautiful Calendar” in the category Company Photo Calendar. We thank everyone who participated in their creation.